Online summer school for choirmasters (conductors) 'Choral Laboratory. XXI Century'

Online summer school for choirmasters (conductors)| June 29 – July 3, 2020

Искусство и культура 16+

Aim group: choirmasters (conductors) of all ages and levels of professional education, leaders of junior, youth and adult choirs, as well as theorists and concertmasters working in choirs


  • Interregional Conductors Association of Children and Youth Choirs of North-West of Russia 
  • House of folk art of the Committee on Culture of the Leningrad region

In cooperation with: Composers Union of Russia and Composers Union of St Petersburg

Join choirmasters from all over the Russia and abroad in five days online summer school! Every day there will be vocal warm-ups, lectures and workshops of lead Russian and European choirmasters, choral leaders and composers, and online concerts.

Main themes: Modern trends in choral music development. New repertoire. Vocal training in a choir. Choral solfeggio. Choral leadership.


  •  Vladimir Minin (Russia), National Artist of the USSR, state and international awards recipient, artistic director and chief conductor of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Choir (1972-2019)
  •  Ambrož Čopi (Slovenia), composer, educator, conductor of KGBL Chamber Choir and University of Primorska Academic Choir. His music was commissioned by many Slovenian choirs and choirs from abroad, performed all over the world and recorded on four CD’s with his music. He successfully introduced many young composers to choral music and promoted them around the world.
  • Rasa Gelgotiene (Lithuania), President of the Lithuanian Choir Union, chief conductor of three choirs of Vilnius University, teacher of the Lithuanian Academy of music, author of three books on choral studies.
  • Basilio Astulez (Basque Country, Spain) Artistic director of Leioa Kantika Korala Children´s Choir and Vocalia Taldea female choir. Choral conducting professor and workshops leader around the world. Cooperates with many national and international institutions, choir federations and organizations.

and more!

Schedule: 11.00-15.00 MSC (10.00-14.00 CET) with concerts in the evening

Application deadline: June 24, 2020

School language: English with translation to Russian and vice versa

Registration fee: 80 euro per person


1664 дня назад
29 June 11:00 — 3 July 2020 20:00

Событие пройдет онлайн


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